Christian Denomination Beliefs


After studying all of these Christian Denominations beliefs, we can see that each of them has some truth and some non-truth. Many of them tend to focus on one particular part of Christianity and take it too far. We need to understand that God is eternal, and therefore cares more about your potential purification than your current purification. Daily rituals and actions are finite to God and therefore much less important than your relationship with God in the long run.

Now that we went over all the denominations, I want to go back to the definitions of Christianity which I listed in the beginning of this article. Where did they all come from? Why is restoration the correct one? These variations are due to minor word discrepancies in the Bible. The biggest one is the words olam and aion which are often mistranslated as “for ever” or “everlasting.” See my article on For Ever for details on this. A second one is the word “hell” which does not match our current definition of hell. See my article on Hell for details on this word. These two mistranslations is where the Arminian and Calvinist beliefs come from.

Many scholars agree that “eternal” and “hell” are mistranslations and have therefore came up with the Full Preterits, Annihilation, and Universal Reconciliation theories. However, they have been going in circles for many years on these three, because the verbs are impossible to consistently translate. For example, take 1 Timothy:

1 Timothy 2:4 – who doth will all men to be saved, and to come to the full knowledge of the truth; (YLT)

Look at all the ways this can be translated:
1. who will
2. who wills
3. who wants
4. who would
5. who desires
6. whose desire
7. whose will

Depending on how your translate this, it can support Full Preterist, Annihilation, or Universal Reconciliation. However, I would argue that God having the desire or will for all men to be saved is the same thing as their literal salvation. This is because God’s will is absolute. People tend to underestimate God’s power and authority. The same thing can be applied to free will vs. predestination. God cannot have absolute will and at the same time give us free will. Also, just because we are predestined, doesn’t mean God does not have the right to judge us for our sins. All of this can be seen in my predestination article. Finally, none of these theories take into account the Barley Overcomers. The theory of the overcomers explains the first and second resurrections, God’s elect Christians vs. saved Christians, the 144,000, the parable of the talents, the parable of the virgins, and many of the symbols in Revelation. Therefore, restoration is the correct belief, because it is the only one that consistently explains all of these concepts throughout the Bible.

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